" IL NOCE " is a volunteer association operative since 1986 with a goal:
- Contribute to guarding the rights of minors that are in difficulty, and find themselves with problematic family situations. We therefore need to prevent these cases of social handicap.
- Education and valorization of a peaceful charity like attitude
“Il Noce” has a Christian base: it is expression of an effective collaboration between the Christian nuns of the “Provvidenza” religious order that on a daily basis assist minors in difficulty. No matter what personal beliefs, religion, skin colour, political views our members may have, we collaborate together united to help children .
- SHARING: as a method of intervening
- FAMILY : as a natural growing space
- TERRITORY an important resource
- TRAINING our volunteers so that they can be as prepared as possible
Our main solutions for minors in difficulty:
- social-educative afternoon support groups, aimed purposely towards young children and adolescents that are still going to school and have residence in the municipality of Casarsa, and that have learning difficulties or a difficult family situation.
- Momentary shelter in a residential complex (family homes) for minors between 0-8 years of age
- Foster family network: made up of couples that have fostered into their homes a minor and are willing to temporarily host and care for a child that is at the moment without a family that can take care of him/her.
- Adoptive family network: formed by couples that are preparing themselves for a national/international adoption.
- Long distance adoptions: operations managed by the “Suore della Provvidenza”, a religios order of nuns, which is associated with us and which operates in different missions throughout various southern countries. Its aim is to guarantee primary needs such as nutrition, healthcare, and education.
Il Noce’s HISTORY:
1986: the foundation of the association thanks to 16 young teenagers that were part of a Christian association and 2 nuns - the after school program starts.
1988: The social cooperative association “Il Piccolo Principe” is born. Its main aim was to guarantee and promote social activities and give support to the Noce.
1989: “Il Noce” signs with UNICEF Pordenone a bill which contains Il Noce’s activities and aims.
1991: The opening of a family home in a small apartment in the centre of Casarsa.
1996: A project that aims specifically towards helping minors is written.
1999: Inauguration of the new head office of “Il Noce” at via Vittorio Veneto n°45 Casarsa.
2004: a book on the 15 years of Il Noce’s after school programme is published, and our association is invited by “Azione Cattolica Italiana” to a congress in Loreto (AN).
2005: CESFAS (social centre for families) is born, and it is recognized by the ministry of social and political affairs as experimental project.
2006: 20th anniversary of “Il Noce”.
Il Noce works together with:
- Regional FVG coordination for minor safe guarding
- MOVI Italian volunteer movement
- CNCA national committee for welcoming community
- Solidarmondo for international cooperation
- National coordination LA GABIANELLA for long distant adoptions
- Ethic Bank
- BCC San Giorgio e Meduno
- PIDIDA FVG - per i diritti dell'infanzia e dell'adolescenza